Virginia Woolf exploded the genre of biography when she wrote Orlando published in 1928 changing man into woman and spanning 400 years of history in one character’s lifetime. Woolf was an expert on the subject of biography and with Orlando, challenged her own father’s life work – ( Stephen Leslies the Dictionary of National Biography) She wrote a paper, the New Biography 1927 and now nearly 100 years later I heard of someone who is using another medium to record the lives of the women in her life, in quilt.
The two ideas merged together in my head last night and the outcome was this poem, written to commemorate Deb’s 21st century stitched visual biography
A new biography 2011
unlike Woolf who changed man into woman
revolutionary writing on the pages of a book,
she will take thread and stitch their names
weaving into life’s quilted fabric
the bloodline of her family
her manuscript, a quilt; her pen , a needle
her words, stitches ; a
material memoir crafted for today ‘s
great grandmother to granddaughter
six generations, named in silk
flowing down the cover
umbilically linked by thread
within each panel, a life
perhaps a quilted vignette,
a representing symbol, a corner of
a delicate woven christening robe
her mother, herself, her sister
and in the heartbeat of the central womb
her two daughters, side by side
equally loved
i thought white vaguery
but she sees life’s vibrant colours
the hot red touches of Africa
city chic colours of European living
the English Rose of the older daughter
the geometric designs of the artistic younger
perhaps her own creator’s cool blue of serenity,
at the bottom white panels of innocence
just names , symbols yet to be traced
unfinished stories still to be stitched.
the incompleteness of balancing generations.
Later , the artist will sleep, cradled among mothers of mothers
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