Saturday, 17 November 2012


I see that it has been 6 months since I last posted! I have , in that time, launched two poetry collections - "the spaces in between" and "the present tense", and am just working on my last EMA for the Masters before the dissertation stage. I missed posting this for Remembrance day but i think it is still worth putting it up, as we should be aware not just on one day of the sacrifices of war.

I went to the quiet fields of Flanders -
row upon row upon row upon row
the blankness of those faceless graves
strangely mocking of this weary world of words.

No name
How do we know who lies here?
Whose mother’s tears should wash this pure white stone clean?

It could be you -
It could be me who lies below -
our white bones are the same as his.
Yet with cold lips he kissed our mouths
his dying breath our living air.

The guns are silent now
no birdsong fills the space

No name
No name
No words
And we ourselves become mute.