Wednesday, 19 October 2011

paris review

I should be working but got distracted reading a really good interview with Julian Barnes, now winner of the Booker Prize after being on the short list four times.

Julian Barnes, The Art of Fiction No. 165 Paris Review 2000

Worth a read as to what literature means to him and his attitude to writing.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

National poetry day 2011

National Poetry Day today and I am so immersed in my first week of the Masters that I haven't written a poem for a while.
Let me offer  this one to mark the day.

The hands of the clock
melt , dripping down
into the pool of my tears
turning clear waters into inky dark.
Time disintegrates as I watch
the veil between two realities torn.
Yesterday, the hours were safe
minute by minute,  ticking
 invisibly  in our love.
But now, there is no time
no beating heart
regulating my soul.

I am studying the concept of intertextuality and wonder whether this thread of thought ties in with my favourite writer Virginia Woolf,  - her concept of streams of consciousness and her playing with the absolutes of Time in Orlando.